Sunday, May 13, 2012

Scream Of Silence..!!

                         Scream of that Silence...!!
When everything else in the world seemed so dumb, a voice from inside made a voice. It was a creak I felt, [it always happens, I supposed] but nay the voice was coming from a distant image and to my surprise, it was beckoning me. Speak up it said, its enough of silence now….!!

Sometimes I felt was it important to speak / was it that important to make up a voice?? A second thought came up at the instant Yes it really was....Enough of Silence have had been, Screamed the Silence.........

Seriously how long?? How much and why?? Why do we really need to be as such? Why do we need to stay quiet ?? Are the happenings just the results of our age-old habit of letting things go as it is. Or Are we caged with the slave mentality where we have no choice rather then obeying our masters and are not allowed to protest?

Yes, we are very optimistic "Everything Happens for Our Good" has been our age old optimistic theory…

Well I do believe in these verses, but truly speaking how long can such acts be of any good to us? Simply taking the situation of the country, the way people are going ahead and the turmoil that arises seeing those acts takes one to a nauseated condition And indeed gets us to a no-way-out situation…

Really thoughts have had always been rambling around and past few weeks have brought storms in those feels. Those thoughtful storms took so many of diversions in the course, can't define.

I recall one of my friend telling, "its far better to go off from this country, where situations are never gonna get better". 

My teacher added a lil while back, "Go abroad to study, flee off from here Kanchan and make your future better".

Aghast! I was left wondering back, is it the way out?? Shall I live my life in this manner?? No certainty of the present...Well who knows of the future??  And on top of it u never know when the situations are gonna get better.

"So why should we stay in this place" a friend of mine added "see, I took the right decision in ryte time and am at a far better place now. At least I am sure of where I am heading to".

Seriously I do not know where I am heading to and where am gonna end up to if situations remain so….

Yet HOPE prevails…!!


Image: via Google Image !


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