Wednesday, December 07, 2016


Some days you are blank. So blank as a page and anything else that could exist. Life's has so many things to share almost everyday.

Metta let we live in!

Sunday, December 04, 2016

She-my friend

She makes me feel liberated. She-my bestest friend, who just makes my life easier.



Some days are so pale kind of, that you don't even see the days and ways ahead.

Ahh days!

The prelude to perfection

May be there's a state,
which calls upon
being perfect
then maybe it is called-
prelude to perfection

Maybe always,
we wanted that
being the perfect
and the best-
thus existed prelude to perfection

But the question here is,
Is there anything like perfect?
Is "perfect" even a condition?
then how does one reach-
to prelude to perfection!!