Wednesday, September 30, 2020

Here now!

Some days am pretty enthusiastic (period) and some other days I feel like I am in a new shit! I get into this notion quite often “man! this can be done and that” and then when nothing is done am like, nothing’s gonna happen like this for sure. It’s some pretty pity stage some days and some other days, it doesn’t matter at all.

I doubt on my expressions some days! This passing thought pauses me around. And I wish! I wish good things to come to me and us and everyone.

Metta !

Monday, September 28, 2020

Thoughts on a Monday!

Maybe some days you just want to be heard and or have a talk. A talk that you thing is so important that it would change the world for you. Or just pave the path to changing the world or just make you think “oh! An interesting way of thinking” or just something that’s a lot worth to you. And you want to have deep conversations about it. And you expect others to listen to you the same way. And if you don’t find the same kind of enthusiasm from others that makes you frustrated or you are just so tired that all you can show off is frustration and that’s it.

Maybe I have been spoilt being around some of those my people who listened to me, who did think I made sense and who gave me insights on my thoughts. And I guess I miss that! 

I miss that a lot. 
