Wednesday, August 05, 2020

Of (lack of) motivations and healthy life (to be continued)!

I (mostly) think I should adapt to healthy body options for a healthy lifestyle or vice versa. (Do I need to make sense here? Or be politically correct? Or anything? Maybe!! Maybe not!! Bleh!!) But somewhere the enthusiasm looses and I am left with body aches and I can’t even walk properly. Just wondering is it because I have gained a lot of weight (I was 78 kg a month back, I should have gained more as I have no control over eating + FYI I have not shed any weight post pregnancy. Or maybe I haven’t ATTEMPTED enough to loose any WEIGHT!) or is an indication of a very unhealthy lifestyle. Am I not knowing even though “I feel” I know, or is something missing in between? I have to figure out. And I hope I ACT while figuring OUT.

Noting these thoughts down so that I am more accountable. Or I wish I be more accountable. For its always known “A healthy life is a must.” Yet so less done 😓!

#MotivationMantra @2:04 AM Pacific time!



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