Have you ever longed for any words as much as I would do from her? My obsession to her words are like that. I check her "write-place" at least once a day and mostly more every day. Maybe nothing satisfies me more than reading some words and if it comes from her, they are the only thing I want to read. But recently, I don't read her much, maybe she's reading more currently. And till she writes again, I will wait for her words.
Hey! BTW, I bet no one is as good as in describing something as she does, no one in the world is as intelligent as her, and none in the world has her personality. Let me just talk about her and noone can describe about her like me maybe...haha... But well! I would not ever have said even a fraction of what she is because she's just so awesome that words sometime might not do the justice. She's the best and she IS. Please don't forget to meet her in this lifetime. It's a wonderful opportunity for you, that she exists at the same time you do.
She-My friend, the awesomest one, one could ever meet!
Metta !