Tuesday, October 08, 2013

Vulnerable: She my friend (V) !

'Had it not existed at the first place, I would not have been so vulnerable' said she.

'It was as if I was running behind something and still it was far-afar, never to reach it", her voice was getting high. "I never knew I would tune into this path, this path of  vulnerability. I never knew I will be in such a pitiful state, never did I know-things would turn so tough for me'.

'Yeah I have been an emotional brat throughout, but then this emotions would break me down this bad I had never thought. I never imagined it off anyway,' she said all of this in a single flow.

I was there just as a spectator who neither could console her nor could scold her out. I could just feel the pain of her words and could feel the pain was breaking her down. 

She-the one who had always held herself so strong was seen breaking-breaking pieces to pieces. I had seen all the strong parts of her but suddenly she bursted out, I could see her weeping-hear her sobbing.

Yes, she had turned vulnerable and I could just not say anything !!

'Life's so tough', I thought to myself ! Silence carved in....deep silence ~~!!

Image courtesy: Deviant Art
'She' series:
'She' my friend
'She' my friend II
'She' my friend III
'She' my friend IV


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