It was raining heavily when we were having
that coffee. She had not spoken a bit from the time she entered my room. She
just sat staring outside the window and I sat seeing her, silence surrounded
our being.
'Before a story starts again, I felt the old ones should
end,' she broke the silence suddenly. 'Closing the chapters had never been that
easy you know, cause there's always a new story to tell, be the pages be old.
Moreover, the so-called old ones are so close to your heart, that you dun jus
wanna let them go.'
She stopped, sighed for a while, looked at
me and then started saying again,'And yeah they do reveal and come up with some
new insights every time you get through those old pages…But ends are always
ends -better for everyone I guess. You can't take the dead sculpos with you for
long,' she was saying.
She always narrated things in this way I thought to myself,with some figures, with the anecdotes and with those some parts/ plays/
someone's role that it indeed used to get difficult whether she was telling some truth or was it a tale. But I always felt like believing whatever she said. She held that magic in her words that I used to get dumb-founded.
someone's role that it indeed used to get difficult whether she was telling some truth or was it a tale. But I always felt like believing whatever she said. She held that magic in her words that I used to get dumb-founded.
'You know what,' she added 'I have loved
all my belongings, be they be something concrete or the small pieces of story
associated with me. I have always been so very honest to my says, my thoughts
and the way I do things. But the pain lies there, when those people do not take
me as I have been. Everybody had their own interpretation of me you know and
that sucks sometimes,' she sighed.
'Everybody has the right to think by
him/herself, so what's the big deal,' I could not hold on myself and broke out
my words.
She smiled, a faint smile on her face and
looked up at me for sometime without speaking.
'Yeah I know everybody has have their own
interpretation, that's not a big deal but sometimes its just that you wish to
be thought yourself/ as you are, that's it,' she suddenly quietened.
I didn’t speak for a while as well. The
room seemed so dull after such sensitive talks and the environment suddenly
seemed very heavy.
I felt the need to break the silence so
said, ' Suman you have always been my hero you know, let them narrate their
story but you are the way you are and the best in any of the ways, so no
problem at all.'
She smiled but I still did not know what
she was thinking actually. I just wished if I would have been a mind reader
The tip-tap of the rains outside had
She stared up at the sky and finally moved
her lips, ' June has always had a new thing to tell, so is it for now I guess.
You know what, I will come up with a new story a new one in the row. I feel I
have had enough of my share of pains, now its gonna end'.
She smiled, lining up the curve to the laughter as clear as
the sky was after the rains. A gust of laughter from both of us and it
ended…Yeah ended her old "Story" giving the ways to some new
ones !!
Peace !!
Image: via Google Images !
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