You grow up with a kid. Not just the kid grows-- that had been thought and this thought grows profound with the growing Aarvik.
A kid can teach you so many things and makes you a "grownup" with their why's and how's? The research questions for the reseacrh feels like to be coming right out from a 3/4/5 year old'smouth. Why does this happen? Why do you need to do this? how do you do it? That's it. That's about it. A 3/4 /5year old starts finding the answer and as someone in their 30s is still finding the same answers. Will be doing the same thing in their 40s.. Does life in "real terms" grow?
Anywho apart from color/colorism, and other ten thousand question one question that has added in A's dictionary is "die." He would suddenly say- "I don't want to be hundred years and die." I feel like the death of the fish "carrot" i their classroom has brought him to reality about death with still keeping him being scared about death. Life is funny! Funny that it brings near to so many things and at the same time drags us far from them.