Thursday, April 07, 2022

I miss you!

Some days it feels very lonely, as if there is no one- no one there for you.  It's so lonely. The path is lonely, the journey is lonely and there is just no one for you. No one at all. No friends, no family, no one, no where-- not even any closer. And all is there is that you are in a limbo trying to connect with different varieties of people who do not understand you and you do not make sense. You are like you're just alone. There's a group who thinks they are too young to be connected to you and there's some other who think you are too out of the way/ radical that your thoughts do not match. Some who do not understand you at all and it makes no no any sense talking to them. There are some who are very far, so so far that your faintest voice would never ever reach to them and you are just like alone. All alone always!
