Love said love more for the love just love I agreed loved love just love loved the more Love said love's done don't love love anymore I agreed unloved love no love for the love Love said love again not me the other love I was stoned eyes dried pain upheaval but love not loved Love inspects love summons love threatens to unlove love I said when all the love ended with love how do I love, love?
Sometimes so many thoughts move around in mind that you can't just quieten them. Some of those thoughts got poised and spilled over here.
*Take I*
My thoughts moved on from the age thing.
What difference does it make when I say am 50 years old or 40 years old or 30 years old or 20 years old?
Is my way of behaving garnered by my age. The day when I will reach 40 should it be different then the way I behaved when I was 20. Do I really need to change that far? Can I not behave like a teenager when am 40? Can I not wear what I want to wear when am 45? Do I need to speak very much differently when am 50? Do I need to put on a severe serious coat "a mukhauta" over my face to be me? Why won't I be able to be me when I am me-myself? Why would I need to move on with the certain societal norms when I want to be me?
Why should I be judged by my age?
While I pose these questions I get my answer too.
Age is just a number garnered by our thought. We tend to believe and make that belief such profoundly integrated within our system that we want ourselves nurtured in a wrong way with the wrong and false beliefs.
I would say no! We do not need to be guarded by the false belief of guarding ourselves by age, profession, seniority, hierarchy etc. BE YOU and it's as simple as that.
For now I would like to end my note with this video "Khat"
*Wrapping up*
I felt like,
*poising a thought*
The thoughts,
which can always fly
Still I felt like,
Poising a thought !
PS: I want to write something more on this topic. May be someday I say something more profound.
Until then let me be older :-)!
Some days are kind of confusing but still you try to overcome them. You panic and panic some more and that's how it goes.
May be there's no better way to overcome them. Sometimes you seek for help, sometimes you speak off but that doesn't work all the time. And overtime you also know that it's useless to speak as well. That's the general common rule may be and there's no any alternate way out of it.
(takes a long deep breathe)
Signs off !!
In search of Metta!!
Image courtesy: A friend's capture from Pokhara museum!
If, I had to write a poem, and tell what a 'friend' means I would have wrote the poem sung lores & even tried writing stories
would have then
scribbled pages
still the word 'friend"
would not have
fit in mere words
and phrases
and those bulk of pages
Happy Friendship Day folks smile emoticon! Though a day is never enough for celebrating the loveliest of relation, still they say the first Sunday of August stands for Friendship day. Love the feeling of being a friend/having a friend and Cherish the bond smile emoticon!